Catch Up 2020

Well, it’s been over a year since my last post. I had every intention of posting regularly and then I got some crazy idea to teach myself a new skill in my downtime. Well, that turned into having no downtime for about 15 months. Good news is I taught myself how to build a mobile game app using Bolt Visual Scripting on the Unity platform! I even have the app to prove it! If you find yourself in New Orleans looking for something fun to do, try out my HunterBNOLA (day-drinking encouraged) Scavenger Hunt mobile app - of course, once the COVID-19 quarantine is over. App is on hiatus till then…Sigh.

I also said goodbye to my Grandmother, Estelle, who passed in January 2020 of dementia related issues. I had been her live in caretaker for the past two years and cherish the time I was able to spend by her side. She had no idea what I do for a living as she’d never used a computer, let alone ever shop for anything online. She preferred to do all her shopping in person and she really liked to shop! So, between the App building and the shopping with Gram, I’ve been a bit tied up.

At the end of January, I had returned to New Orleans where I had originally attempted to start a new life for myself in 2016. This is my second go round with that and I am more determined than ever to make NOLA my forever home. Yes, as I write this, I am obeying the stay at home ordinance and seeing the number of sick exponentially rise everyday. I have moments when I am overwhelmed with grief and uncertainty. Trying to stay positive and HOPEFUL for getting through this faster than the predictions and coming out somehow better off, on the other side.

So, I’m back and I have some time to sharpen my blogging skills ;). Blogger initiative take two!